How To Host The Gateway Ringers
An excellent way to support us is to have us come ring for you! Find out how to host us.
Friends of the Gateway Ringers
Ever wonder if there’s more that you can do to support the art of handbell ringing? The Friends of the Gateway Ringers program provides a way to do it! Contributions will enable Gateway to fund concerts, travel, equipment purchases, maintenance and other expense involved in bringing you the best in handbell music. All participants in the Friends program at the Contributor level & up will be acknowledged in our concert programs and on our website for one year.
The Friends program is divided into 5 levels of giving. Friends at the Bronze Circle level will receive an embroidered Friends of the Gateway Ringers polo shirt in their choice of black or white. Please feel free to donate any amount. All donations are tax deductible.
To download a contribution form, click here.
Bronze Circle: $500+ |
Benefactor: $250-499 |
Century: $100-249 |
Patron: $50-99 |
Contributor: $20-49 |