Friends of the Gateway Ringers Contribution Form


Levels of Giving:
Bronze Circle: $500+ Benefactor: $250-499
Century: $100-249 Patron: $50-99
Contributor: $20-49

Amount enclosed: $
City, State & Zip:
Email (optional):

◻ Please list my (our) name(s) in your programs and website as:  

◻ Please do not list my name in the programs or website

◻ Please add me to your mailing list (email)

◻ Please add me to your snail mail list (regular post)

Bronze Circle Polo Shirt
Size:  ◻ S    ◻ M    ◻ L    ◻ XL    ◻ XXL
Color:  ◻ White    ◻ Black

Please make checks payable to “Gateway Ringers”

Mail to: Gateway Ringers, c/o Peggy Lohnes, 13131 Royal Pines Drive, Unit 3, St Louis, MO 63146